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Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney
Attorneys must observe the Code of Practice to the Mental Capacity Act 2005. 

What happens if you are unable to look after yourself later in life? If you haven't prepared for this possibility it is likely that the courts or social services will make this decision for you. Alternatively, an application to the Court of Protection for a person to be appointed as a Deputy for you.


If you put in place a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) it will:


  • Appoint someone, or a number of people to look after you and your affairs if you are unable.

  • Avoids influence and interference from The Courts and Local Authorities, meaning your needs are taken care of by the people you've chosen.

  • Medical care

  • Moving into a care home

  • Life-sustaining treatment

  • Managing a bank or building society account

  • Paying bills


If you decide to appoint more than one attorneys then it is necessary to decide whether they should act jointly so that all decisions and powers required both Attorney's permission or jointly and severally which means that the attorneys can act either alone or separately giving more flexibility.  It is possible to appoint attorneys to act jointly in connection with some matters and severally in respect of others. 


The Attorney's powers may be restricted, for instance they can have limited power to make gifts of your money or property.  The LPA can also state that it should only come into operation once you no longer have mental capacity. Attorneys must observe the Code of Practice to the Mental Capacity Act 2005.  The Code provides guidance and information to all those working under the legislation. 


There are 2 types of LPA:

  • Health and welfare

  • Property and financial affairs


I can offer you




Single Lasting Power of Attorney

I can provide you with each of these for one individual

  • health and welfare

  • property and financial affairs


I offer a discounted price for a Will and Lasting Powers of Attorney bundle.


Mirror Lasting Power of Attorney

I can provide you with both of these for two people at a discounted rate

  • health and welfare

  • property and financial affairs


I offer a discounted price for a Will and Lasting Powers of Attorney bundle.

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